Top 5 Online Trainers Of 2016

Online Fitness Trainers Are Fast Gaining Popularity Due To The Convenience They Bring. You Can Now Access The Best Fitness Trainers From The Comfort Of Your Home By The Click Of A Button. No Matter Your Body Type, Online Fitness Trainers Like Joshua Zitting Will Have You Getting The Same Results As You Would Achieve In A Gym, If Not Better. Here Are Top Five Online Fitness Trainers You Should Consider.

1. Joshua Zitting.

Visit www.

Joshua Zitting gives you the opportunity to become part of a vibrant fitness community by providing you with vast tools and workable regime to help you get your game on. Having been in the industry for more than 13 years, Joshua Zitting carefully puts together explainer videos, complete workout regimes, customizable diet plans and personal coaching to give you the best fitness training platform you can ever use. Order exciting fitness books by Joshua Zitting and tap into the vast knowledge about matters fitness and dieting. More to this, Joshua Zitting can help you turn your fitness program into profit by helping you build and grow your own fitness business. Visit to see what Joshua Zitting is about.

2. Kommited.


Kommited is a good choice for users intending to scorch fat. Karl William, who is the owner of Kommited, prefers to make nutrition and training programs that are specially tailored just for you. Users get to have personal conversations with Karl on Skype or via mail in order to take part in making an efficient and convenient regime to suit their needs.

3. Daily Burn.


Daily Burns puts exciting apps and awesome online fitness tools at your disposal. Working out and eating right for the type of body you want to gain has never been easier, thanks to the comprehensive training tools and programs by Daily Burn. The site contains a lot of information and material for your diet, workout and motivation.

4. Scott Laidler.


Scott Laidler puts together an impressive six week training regime inclusive of a meal plan to help those who intend to achieve fast results getting into shape. All you have to do is tell Scott what you need and he will come up with a plan tailor made for you. The beauty about Scott Laidlers meal plans is that they are measured to contain the exact macronutrients your body requires.

5. Smart Triathlon Training.


Smart Triathlon Training offers you with a real event experience to help you train and get in shape. Luis Vargas, the founder and owner of Smart Triathlon Training designs plans that you can use to prepare for triathlons of any distance that you get to pick. There are various articles on the site to help with the training techniques and the challenges that come with triathlon races. Vargas programs require that you buy a heart rate monitor to help you keep tabs on the milestones you achieve.

All said and done, online fitness training requires commitment and discipline. The question as to whether they work better than having to go to a gym solely rests on you. Chose one that is convenient for you and follow it religiously to achieve the desired results.